Many parents have questions. These are asked most often

Q- My child does not want to come to therapy and denies there is an issue.

A-It is a common reaction with eating disorders. Your child may not want to engage in treatment. This can be a real challenge for care givers. Do not be deterred by the lack of compliance as it is not necessary in the beginning of FBT. The effectiveness of treatment relies on care givers taking a strong stand against the eating disorder. It may be necessary for example to set a contingency system of privileges and consequences that is determined by the child’s level of compliance with the eating and post-meal supervision plan that has been devised for your child. I will assist with devising the plan.

Q- My child states they do not like the therapist. I now do not know if I should find somewhere else to take them or if they are just saying that to get out of treatment.

A- The early stages of recovery can be really hard for all concerned. You will need a great deal of consistency and determination. It is no surprise that your child will not want to engage, they are frightened by the prospect of eating and gaining weight. The eating disorder fears eating and weight gain the most.

Q- My child is so angry with me for taking them to therapy, is this normal?

A- Anger is a common reaction and the child often expresses negative feelings about therapy. Explain that you do understand how hard it is for them. However remain steadfast in the commitment to treatment. Together we will build lots of positive support for them during these difficult times and hopefully eventually they will start to see things from a different perspective.

Q- My husband and I are divorced and our child spends 50% of the time with her father, how can we do FBT from different houses?

A- FBT can be a very effective treatment in your family structure as it does not take a rigid view of what constitutes a family. It is important that as parents you join together in helping your child recover. The key is ensuring you are on the same page and that you both have the same expectations for her eating. As a family therapist I can assist separated, divorced, step-parents and siblings if there is a conflict or misunderstandings that is hindering treatment.

Q- I am so unsure of what to cook, is there a weekly meal plan for FBT?

A- There isn’t a specific FBT meal plan. I do not provide parents a diet sheet as FBT maintains that the parents are the experts. Instead you are encouraged to rely on the knowledge you already have about food and nutrition when deciding what to feed your child. I can guide you in your decisions and offer suggestions but I cannot decide what your child should be eating.

Q- How long can we expect to be in therapy?

A-You can expect to attend between 15-20 sessions, however you may require less or more sessions. All treatment plans will be discussed periodically.

Of course you may have your own questions, please do not hesitate to ask me during your session.