Full Day Workshop (7hrs) 09:00am – 4:00pm

Online Delivery: $80 – 20% discount for existing supervisees.

Approved Facilitator. Certificate of Attendance will be Issued.

Whether you are working or volunteering with children or young people this short course will prepare you to recognise, report and respond to young people who may be at risk of harm.

Child Protection in Context

Through Their Eyes: Values & Attitudes

Risk & Harm: South Australian Legislation

Risk & Harm: Abuse related Trauma

Sexual Abuse

Through Their Eyes: Disclosure

Child Safe Environments in Organisations

Reporting Suspicion of Risk & Harm

Training includes:

  • Values & attitudes: Looks at how our personal values can affect the way we see and respond to situations
  • Legislation: Focuses on South Australian legislation around child protection and our reporting obligations and a general definition of risk and harm
  • Abuse Related Trauma: Focuses on the types of abuse that could place a child or young person at risk of harm, and the indicators the child may display
  • Sexual Abuse: Looks at Sexual Abuse and grooming, particularly online grooming
  • Disclosure: How to deal with a situation where a child or young person tells you that they are in a situation of harm
  • Safe Organisations: Covers our organisational responsibility to protect children and young people in South Australia
  • Reporting: The process involved in making a report to the Child Abuse Report Line

Technical requirements

For successful completion of this course, you will need:

  • Computer (PC or a laptop) or a notebook
  • Webcam + Microphone + Speakers
  • Internet connection that is stable
  • A workbook (this will be emailed to you when you register)

Not permitted

  • Teleconference attendance (multiple participants using the same computer)
  • Recordings of the workshop
  • On lookers

As a participant in the training, you will be prompted to interact with the facilitator by engaging in discussions and answering questions. This is to ensure you understand the content and leave feeling confident in your understanding.  


  • Joining at 8:45am on the morning of the training will ensure that you have enough time to resolve any potential technical issues.
  • Be familiar with platforms such as TEAMS or Zoom.
  • Test your equipment and settings before the workshop.

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